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Last Sunday, we saw that the best subjects in the kingdom of God care for others in a unique way: they talk to other believers when those people sin against them.  The offended and sinned-against follower of Jesus cares for their fellow brother or sister in Jesus who has wronged them - and they speak to them about the matter.  This can be a difficult conversation, but one that is necessary so that the other person can be restored into community fellowship and in their walk with Jesus Christ.  

Please consider the following questions as we look to care for one and other:
- Has someone sinned against me?  Is it sin, or was I merely offended by something that was not sinful? 
- Can I overlook the offence or is this something that needs to be broached with the individual?
- How can I maintain a godly attitude if I seek to confront the individual about this sin?
- Do others need to become involved because the offending person has not repented or listened?  Who is best for this conversation?

This week, we will see what we must do inwardly when a person wrongs us.  Forgiveness becomes an essential quality for anyone who is going to be a part of the kingdom of God. 

Please take time to read Matthew 18:21-35, considering and meditating on how Jesus' words lead us into a deeper life with him.