Gospel Centeredness

The Gospel is the Good News about Jesus Christ. There is no other message and truth by which we are saved. We value the Gospel because this news is our only hope in life and death and the best truth that we can offer a lost world.


The Bible is valued because it is God's Word to us; words that carry the greatest weight, communicate the greatest truth, and direct us in the greatest ways as our sole authority.


We value a life of prayer for every discple of Jesus. Prayer calls us to God in dependance, thankfulness, and praise, fostering intimacy with Him.


Disciples are called to be in loving relationships with others. We see developing and fostering relationships as essential for everyone who follows Jesus.


Related to healthy relationships is seeking out others who are new or who do not know Jesus Christ. We value hospitality as a way of welcoming others with love and care.


Jesus tells us that we will be able to determine if people follow Him by the fruit that is present in their lives. Helping others bear the fruit of obedience and trust is extremely important because it is fruitfulness that easily identifies someone as a genuine disciple of Jesus Christ.